
Warming Up?

If you are all ready with you center base block and are warming up, excitedly waiting for the 1st inning, now is a good time to block your square to truly enjoy the patterns in this CAL (especially if you have a large center base).  Also, please read about the Tips and Design Disclaimer, Center Block Credit, and Pattern Use before the CAL starts.

Got a Base That Is {Multiples of 6 – 2} as Written?

If you’ve made a base block that has {multiples of 6 minus 2} as written and did not require any adjustment, please share your photo, pattern name, and designer’s name on this Ravelry group thread.  To add a photo in Ravelry group or discussion, you have to first upload the photo as your project.  Here is how to add a project to your account.  You can now share it with the group and also use that photo in a discussion thread.

It will help those who are looking for a base block that they do not have to worry about making adjustments to.  TIA!

Yardage Info

It is super difficult to estimate how much yardage one will need for the CAL as everyone is using a different center block, yarn weight, hook size, tension, etc.  But I did some crazy math to just get a ROUGH estimate of how much yarn I need to buy.  You can read about it here.

1st Inning Sneak Peek!

And here is a sneak peek for the 1st inning (1st Inning also looks good with 2 colors)!  Hope to see y’all next Sunday!

1st inning sneak peek

3 comments on “Warming Up?

  1. corine24
    August 9, 2015

    Hello ChiChi,

    I am going to write about your ATB-CAL. May I post one of your photos on my blog, please? Hope to hear from you!

    Kind regards,



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